Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Never say never :)

There is a funny thing that happens when you move to Idaho......

We were totally sane when we moved here. Maybe its all the fresh air or our brains are just frozen from the cold but we seem to be doing things we said we would NEVER do. I guess that is why you should never say never....LOL

One of those things we said we would never do was get a horse. Now granted it did take us two years of listening to the H word 5000 times a day before we cracked but here we are. I really cannot figure out where her love of horses came from, certainly not from me. I have never seen a child so obsessed.

This is Hartley's baby . Her name is Hollywood Spotlight but she goes by Holly. I think its pretty ironic that there are 26 letters in the alphabet and I can't seem to escape girls that start with H. Must have been meant to be. She's a California girl that is not real happy right now about the cold. She is exactly a month older then Hadley so I guess that means I have two 4 year olds. It has been amazing watching the two of them getting to know each other. Some days have been better then others but I know that they will make some wonderful memories growing up together.....and hopefully keep Hartley away from boys...LOL She is much too pretty :)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Giving this blogging a try :)

Oh how I have fought this.....
I have been a huge fan of blogs for years but I never could get motivated to start my own. I kept thinking my family's lives are dull and boring. Who would want to hear of my overwhelming adventures with laundry or the girls crazy fighting over the amount of air in the bathroom? ??

Today I read about a (computer )friends horribly, devasting loss. We were gone for a couple days and then with Easter Sunday I neglected my poor ,pink Dell. I got on tonight to catch up and read that a friends precious, sweet ,baby girl had gone back to heaven. This baby was such a gift from God . I am struggling to understand why , but I know that she is in a better place.

I have decided that dull and boring ...or crazy and drama filled ,I am going to start this blog to keep all of our friends and family up to date as to what's going on in our lives WAY out here in Idaho.

Life is a true blessing and children are an AMAZING gift from God!
SO as my friends get to here ALL about mine :)